7 Ways to Make Money From Your Book

By Douglas Winslow Cooper

This is based on an excellent Amazon Kindle ebook, BOOK LAUNCH, by Chandler Bolt, subtitled How to write, market, and self-publish your first bestseller in 3 months or less AND use it to start and grow a six-figure income.”

Bolt notes: an Amazon ebook becomes a one-click “impulse buy that‘s being promoted and marketed by the biggest brands in the world,” with unlimited, free distribution and unlimited shelf space.

Here are seven ways:

1. Passive income from book sales. Your ebook can be read almost anywhere, anytime. Amazon Kindle will give you 70% of the purchase price between $2.99 and $9.99 and 35% of the price below  $2.99.

2. Leads for your business. Your book advertises your business.

3. More coaching clients and speaking gigs. “…no better way to increase your fee, book more speaking gigs, and land more coaching clients than through a book.” It makes you an authority.

4. Free exposure and PR for your business. Publications, radio, TV…the book gives you an entrée, a reason to be interviewed. Each appearance improves the likelihood of another, somewhere.

5. Build/grow your business. Bolt built a business he did not originally have, based on his first book. Your book is a “salesman in print that’s constantly building relationships with buyers….”

6. Grow your network. “These days, a book is like a glorified business card….when was the last time you threw away a book?” Get past their gate-keepers, “…mail a copy of your book to their door….”

7. Grow your local business. Your book gives you added credibility, home and away.