8 Steps to a Compelling Book Introduction

By Douglas Winslow Cooper

This is based on an excellent Amazon Kindle ebook, BOOK LAUNCH, by highly successful writer and publisher Chandler Bolt. The book is subtitled How to write, market, and self-publish your first bestseller in 3 months or less AND use it to start and grow a six-figure income.”

Bolt notes that number-one bookseller amazon.com gives the first 10% of the book in its “Inside the Book” feature, so your Table of Contents and your Introduction need to be compelling. His eight tips are for non-fiction books of the “How to…” genre.

Here are the eight steps:

1. Identify the problem. Let the reader know what problem you will be solving.

2. Present the solution briefly.  Your book will show how to solve the problem by….

3. Reassert your credibility. Tell who you are and why you wrote the book and why your advice should be trusted. 

4. Restate the benefits. Tell reader what they will get, again, in more detail.

5. Give them proof. Tell some stories, briefly.

6. Make a promise. Bigger is better, as long as you deliver.

7. Warn against waiting.  If they wait, they may lose out on benefits.

8. Get them to start reading immediately.  Read it now, to be ready whenever. 

Chandler Bolt’s book is packed with useful information and serves as an effective advertisement for his training program:   www.self-publishingschool.com.